jeudi 22 janvier 2015

Apple propose l’écoute gratuite du dernier album d rsquo;AC DC

Pendant une semaine, Apple offre l’écoute du tout nouvel album d’AC/DC. Le public connait notamment le morceau Highway to Hell, sorti en juillet 1979. Depuis, de nombreux morceaux sont arrivés. Le prochain album arrive le 1er décembre prochain.

AC DC Album Gratuit iTunes
Sur iTunes, il est possible de l’écouter gratuitement en streaming. «Rock or Bust» comprend 11 morceaux, dont Rock or Bust et Play Ball. Tous les deux peuvent déjà être achetés au prix de 1,29 euro la chanson. Dans sa description, Apple note que le groupe de rock revient aux classiques, «un savant mélange de textes corrosifs et de guitares dévastatrices». Il s’agit du 15e album studio d’AC/DC.

Pour écouter l’album «Rock or Bust» gratuitement, cliquez ici. Vous serez redirigés vers iTunes sur votre PC/Mac, iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch. Il suffira de cliquer sur le bouton de lecture pour écouter l’intégralité de l’album. Attention, le streaming gratuit ne sera plus proposé à partir du 1er décembre.

«Rock or Bust» peut être précommandé dès aujourd’hui au prix de 9,99 euros sur l’iTunes Store.

Le dernier album proposé gratuitement en streaming remonte à septembre, il s’agissait du dernier proposé par le duo The Do.

dimanche 18 janvier 2015

iPad Air 2 55 plus rapide que l rsquo;iPhone 6 et 68 plus rapide que l rsquo;iPad Air

Il y a du changement avec l’iPad Air 2, aussi bien au niveau design (la tablette est plus fine que l’iPad Air de première génération) qu’au niveau des composants. Apple intègre, notamment, un processeur A8X et 2 Go de RAM pour apporter toujours plus de puissance et de fluidité dans iOS. Primate Labs a publié une charte dans laquelle il compare les performances de plusieurs terminaux iOS, comprenant des iPad et des iPhone. Sans surprise, l’iPad Air 2 arrive premier.

iPad Air 2 55 pourcents Plus Rapide iPhone 6
Il obtient un score de 4 477 au niveau des performances avec l’usage du processeur et de ses 3 cœurs. Il est suivi par l’iPhone 6 et l’iPhone 6 Plus. Il y a une différence assez importante entre les périphérique à vrai dire. L’iPad est 55% plus rapide que le dernier iPhone en date, qui pour le coup a un processeur A8. Son score au même test est 2 879. Comparé à l’iPad Air, la nouvelle tablette est 68% plus rapide. Autant dire qu’Apple a mis les bouchées doubles. La tablette de l’année dernière embarque un processeur A7.

iPad Air 2 55 pourcents Plus Rapide iPhone 6 2
Sur le test du processeur avec l’usage d’un seul cœur, les différences sont moins importantes. L’iPad Air 2 obtient un score de 1 812, contre 1609 pour l’iPhone 6, soit 12% de différence. Si l’on compare avec l’iPad Air de première génération, la différence est à 23%. Pour l’iPad mini 3, il n’y a pas besoin de faire de tests particuliers puisque la tablette embarque les mêmes composants que l’iPad mini 2 sorti l’année dernière.

Pour information, plus l’appareil est sollicité (exemple : lors d’un jeu), plus le processeur va travailler et plus les différents cœurs seront utiles.

jeudi 15 janvier 2015

Notre sélection du 8 mars 2011 des applis jeux iPad en promotion sur l’App Store

Petite sélection des applications et jeux iPad gratuits et / ou actuellement en promotion.

Duel: Blade & Magic

Gratuit - Jeu de rôle basique, développez votre personnage et faîte-le combattre ceux des autres joueursNBTD Solitaire

Gratuit - Les fans de Solitaire ont du choix aujourd'hui, cette version est gratuite et agréable graphiquement parlantRomans d'Aventure (+ Audio/Vocal)

Promo 1,59€ 0,79€ - Collection de 76 livres d'aventures, avec tables des matières interactives et synthèse vocale#1 Solitaire

Promo 1,59€ 0,79€ - Ce célèbre jeu de carte débarque sur iOS avec une interface soignée et thémable à souhait

Ces opérations promotionnelles étant limitées dans le temps, pensez à bien vérifier avant de télécharger une application sur iTunes que cette dernière est toujours gratuite ou bénéficie toujours d'une remise de tarif.

vendredi 2 janvier 2015

Saints Row IV Review

Reviewer's Note: A copy of the game was received for review purposes.
The Saints Row franchise has established itself as an over-the-top, open-world series since its inception five years ago with Saints Row, which saw some success. Originally taking a page straight out of the Grand Theft Auto playbook, the franchise has continued to one-up itself with each additional installment. This has helped isolate it from the godfather of open-world violent games.
At its core, the series has provided more depth in customization options, and over time has managed to establish a solid overarching storyline.  Now, with Saints Row IV,appleiphone4game developers Volition, Inc. and High Voltage Software have pulled out all the stops when it comes to concluding the saga of the Third Street Saints.
Developer: Volition, Inc./High Voltage Software
Publisher: Deep Silver
Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 [reviewed], PC
Release Date: Aug. 20, 2013
Genre: Action/Adventure, Open World
Price: $59.99
The Saints find themselves in the White House as the Player is now the leader of the Free World. Pending threats of an alien invasion come to life as the world gets taken over by extraterrestrial overlord Zinyak. The Saints soon find themselves transported to a bizzaro-Steelport simulation that takes many cues from The Matrix.
As the president, your job is to re-takeover Steelport by hacking stores, taking down Flashpoints (command points that determine map area control) and completing many different kinds of mini-game challenges.
The Saints are in control of the U.S. Surely that can't be good, right?
As in prior 'Rows, spreading the influence of the Saints grants you Homies to assist you on missions. The story revolves around getting the Saints back together one-by-one in order to return Earth back to normal. There are a ton of hilarious video game references as you progress through the missions. There is even a ridiculous movie reference right off the bet during the introduction (we wish we could reveal more in detail, but we've been asked not to spoil the party).
Players can still customize their personal characters and upload them to the Saints Row website. Other players can then download them via the site and into the game.
Completing the story is where players will experience most of the humor, and the humor that fans have come to know with the series is on its 'A' game in SRIV.
There is a tremendous amount of depth to what players can do around Steelport. There are tons of mini-games that vary so much in style that there is always something entertaining to do. Some of the modes include Fraud (which is like a Crash Mode on Burnout, but instead you use your body), UFO battles, fight clubs, tank battles and a lot of much cooler stuff that needs to be experienced first-hand. Hacking the stores is a mini-game in itself, as well. The hacking mini-game consists of increasingly difficult grids that are given a set amount of puzzle pieces to complete the circuit. If the hack fails, then the enemy will come to your location.
Terrorizing the populous while in a cat suit is one of many things you can do in Saints Row IV.
Beyond the mini-games, the gameplay begins to stray off the beaten path of what we expect from a game in the series. Taking cues from titles such as Infamous, players are given powers that they can use to sprint extremely fast, leap high into the air or even fly. Special abilities such as telekinesis and mind-control are available and upgradeable. This definitely is adding an entirely new element to the series,R4i Gold 3DS however the powers are a double-edged sword, in that they begin to render the old ways of doing things useless. This is where an identity crisis begins to rear its ugly head.
The game wants to still allow players to experience the classic Saints Row action, but the wildly eccentric abilities make it feel a little too different.  Not to mention, most of the missions can be completed with no help from the Homies due to the super powers making them obsolete.
Very quickly, it will become more of a task to steal a car and go from spot to spot. A lot of missions will have players going from one end of the city to the complete opposite end, but it’s much quicker just to sprint and glide.

As for more customization, cars can still be personalized, and players can go around and do drive-bys with their Homies. The guns in the game are awesome. All guns can be upgraded and redecorated, which also results in a different sound effect. The Alien guns are fun, especially the Dub Step gun, which fires musical notes that play a dub step beat. The beat can also change depending on the skin and upgrades. When choosing guns though, there’s no scale to see which guns is more powerful than the other, or which might be more accurate.
Some of the presentation in the title is lacking, which includes the lack of knowing which guns are more superior than the others in a group. The same can be said about having a vehicle dropped off. There is a list of vehicles and unless the player is accustomed to the name of the car, there is picture to correspond what is being chosen, so it can become a guessing game.
The controls in Saints Row IV are fairly responsive. Jumping and gliding are easy to do and there won’t be that much frustration with the controls or the camera angles. Car controls are also responsive as you drift around corners. Melee attacks are in the game, but even more important are the wrestling moves. Tons of wrestling moves can be pulled off and the game even includes a cameo of a famous wrestler.
The super powers in Saints Row IV can be fun, but they take away some of what made the series so enduring.
While not hideous, Saints Row IV can be a bit sore on the eyes ' it basically rehashes the graphics engine from Saints Row: The Third. While the game is colorful, the graphics can get blurry at a distance. Steelport remains dark the entire time, and meshing with certain colors can make enemies and the road hard to see.
There are some missions that take place during daylight, and the game looks much better with the lighting. The draw distance is lacking in the game on consoles, as sprinting can cause the game frame rate to become sluggish. Lastly, the game locked up my PlayStation 3 a few times later in the campaigns. This is most likely due to the amount of enemies existing at one time, and believe me, there are a lot.
The soundtrack features a solid variety of music which includes a selection of dub step and hip-hop to metal and indie music. It even features the Aerosmith song from Armageddon movie for those really dramatic moments. The dialogue is excellent to go along with the voice acting of each character. The gun sound effects from the Alien weapons are also high quality.
There are hours and hours worth of gameplay available in Saints Row IV. There is a lot to complete including challenges, the main story and hacking stores. The co-op campaign makes its return to the game, and it includes specific missions that can only be done with two people. Steelport is also a fairly large city to investigate and cause trouble.
Saints Row IV offers more than any of the previous titles to date, which is more than reason enough to take one last trip to Steelport.
Final Truth:
Saints Row IV, simply put, is extremely fun and entertaining. The series does not intend to be a masterpiece as it simply offers hours of outlandish humor and stupid-fun gameplay.  There are a ton of spoilers within the story including cameos and references that need to be experienced first-hand.
Tight controls help make this  experience more enjoyable, as well.  Fans of the series might not appreciate the inclusion of these super powers, but the adjustment is appreciated in the end.
Saints Row IV ReviewCory Wells, ContributorSaints Row IV ReviewGraphicsGameplaySoundReplayabilitySummary: Saints Row IV, simply put, is extremely fun and entertaining. The game does not intend to be a masterpiece, it just simply offers hours of outlandish humor and "stupid-fun" gameplay. There are a ton of cameos and references that need to be experienced first-hand. Tight controls help make this experience more enjoyable, as well. Fans of the series might not appreciate the inclusion of super powers, but the adjustment is appreciated in the end.

jeudi 1 janvier 2015

Rogue, Psylocke and Domino Confirmed for Deadpool Game

In his comics, Deadpool will often hang out with many Marvel characters, including Wolverine, The Hulk, Cable and many more. Whether they actually enjoy his company is subject to debate,Gateway 3ds but it goes without question that everyone's favorite merc is rarely alone. So why should his own video game be any different?
Besides fellow Weapon X buddy, Wolverine, the Deadpool game will also include Rogue, Psylocke and Domino. For those who need a brief comic history course, let me be your guide.
Rogue: Member of the X-Men for many years. She has the ability of flight and super human strength. She can also drain a person's power from skin-on-skin contact. She is currently a part of the New X-Men along with Psylocke.Psylocke: She has been an on-and-off member of the X-Men for decades. She has psychic powers as well as the ability to create a 'psychic knife' which is basically a glowing 'blade' of psionic energy.Domino: She has paired up with Deadpool before, notably during Marvel's Cable & Deadpool comic book series. Domino is a member of X-Force,appleiphone4sale and carries exceptional shooting and hand-to-hand combat skills. She also shows signs of having mutant probability powers, or basically 'luck.' She's going to need it.
Check out what Deadpool thinks of his companions in the character sheets below:
Deadpool will be available June 25 (in North America) on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC.

characters, deadpool, Deadpool game, Domino, marvel, Psylocke, Rogue